Following are the steps to creating a training module.  You may also refer to the Overview of the Motive Content Authoring Tool video by selecting "Overview Video" from the options on the left.

Access the module builder template by selecting Training Modules

Then select Create Training Module.

Add the Training Module Title, Module page background image (if desired), Lesson page background image (if desired), and select the appropriate option from the Module is complete when: drop-down menu.  Then, select Create. 

Your training module will now appear in the Training Modules list, with your current module highlighted. To add individual lessons and pages, select Create Lesson under the Lessons category.  

Complete the lesson template by selecting Content or Assessment from the drop-down menu, adding Lesson Title, Objectives, and the estimated time it will take to complete the lesson.   Select Create to create the lesson.

Your lesson will now appear and be highlighted under Lessons.  To add pages, select Create Page under Pages

Complete the page template by adding the Page Title (which could simply be the page number) and selecting the desired page format.  You have the option of TEXT, FULL IMAGE, FULL VIDEO, TEXT TOP, TEXT BOTTOM, TEXT LEFT, or TEXT RIGHT. 


After you have selected the page format, you'll need to input the content.  The text editor looks similar to a word processing editor in which you can bold, italicize, justify, add bullets or numbers, and a hyperlink.  However, due to the HTML5 format restrictions for mobile applications, the text size will remain constant. 

From the page editor, you will also add the Page Audio File if your text will be narrated, and you may add the Text Transcript if you desire. (Note: Depending on your company policies, a text transcript may be necessary to comply with ADA and ESOL requirements.) 

Once you have created your module, select Publish, then Create Course Offering, to activate the training.  Should you need to edit the module content or delete the module just access the course from the Training Modules list and select Edit or Delete.  If you make changes, you must select Publish again to update the training.