Creating a Checklist Course Type typically requires Administrator or Supervisor credentials.  

To create a Checklist Course Type, first create a Course Offering for the Checklist, just as you would for an online course.

From the Manage Tab select Create Course Offering from the Training Content Menu. Enter the title and a brief description of the Checklist Course.

Then expand the Course Type drop-down menu and select Checklist.  

The rest of the Course Offering information is completed just like a standard course.  You can set a prerequisite course, completed enrollment actions, and you can also set specific job titles to auto enroll.  

Once the Course Offering is complete, select Create.  The Checklist should now be accessible via the Course Catalog, but it will be empty until you add the content.

To add content to a Checklist, from the Checklist Course Details Page, select Create Checklist.  

Enter the name of the Group and related Tasks for each competency on the Checklist by filling in the Group box and selecting Add Task to add the Tasks.

Every Group must include at least one Task and you may add as many Groups and Tasks as you need.

If the Tasks or Group need to be completed in order or if the learner can complete them on their own, check the appropriate box.

Once you’ve completed creating the Checklist, select Save Checklist.  The “checklist was successfully saved” notice will appear to confirm your Checklist Course has been created.  

For more information watch the How to Create a Checklist Course Type video: How to Create A Checklist Course Type